Monday, October 18, 2010

Long Time

I began a new series yesterday at The Grove called SE7EN - it's based on the 7 Deadly Sins.

I am challenged by this series. I should be. Anytime I share what God has put on my heart I should be looking into my own. The premise I am basing this series on is how the 7 Deadly Sins even originated. St. Benedict, the predecessor of the monastic life, surmised that love is the supreme objective for Christians and that anything that sets itself up against love is our enemy. Thus he identified 7 sins that he thought were the most egregious and thus the list.

So, how am I doing in the love department? Some days I would say great - others not so. But as I look even closer I realize that so many times my love has conditions. How selfish you can be Jeff!

So as I began this series and focued on Pride and our life growth groups will be doing the same this week - my desire for me and for you is that we will decrease in the pride department and increase in the humility. In case you missed the service, you can listen to our podcast through our website at

Also, Grovers were challenged to take a look at the list below and identify one action step they could integrate into their life this week to become more humble. Hope this challenges you - it certainly does me.

Here's Nelson Searcy's adaptation of St. Benedict's 12 Steps of Humility:

12 Actions of Humility

1. Intentionally seek humility as an act of obedience

2. Seek God’s will above my own will (John 6:38)

3. Confess your sins to God quickly (1 John 1:9)

4. Persevere through sickness and affliction quietly (Romans 8:37)

5. Study God’s word and live it out daily.

6. Practice praising and complimenting others

7. Use my gifts and talents to serve others

8. Plan regular times of fasting

9. Be a friend to others who are going through humbling times

10. Restrict my sarcasm

11. Speak gently and practice silence

12. Be modest in my appearance and actions.

Until the next time,

I remain in His Grip!