Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Want To Be A Great Christian?

Another powerful day of teaching at Founders Week!

We were treated first thing this morning to Dr. Gary Chapman (5 Love Languages among others) who shared "You and Your Adult Child". He broke down Ezekiel 18 with some awesome observations:
#1- Parents cannot control or determine the behavior of their adult children. The good news is that they can never outlive the influence of your training and prayers for them!
#2- Parents are not responsible for the sins of their adult children.
#3- Children need not fail because their parents failed.
#4- We can, and do, influence our children and their children.

After some awesome time of worship, we experienced the ministry of Sara Groves and then the Executive Director of Jews For Jesus , David Brickner spoke. He broke down further Psalm 46. His passion for winning all people, and especially Jews was more than inspiring and caused me to wonder if I had the same zeal for the lost in Lake County?

Tonight it was all caped off by Chip Ingram, President of On The Edge Radio ministry in California. He is heard by over 1 million people a day! I can't do justice to what he shared but let me try.

His message was "Becoming A Romans 12 Christian"

His question to us was "What makes a Great Christian?" He stated that the glory of God demands Great Christians and the needs of the world demand Great Christians.

The problem in the church today is not too much ambition, it's too little!

I hope to be able to expand more on this to you personally someday but here's the cliff notes on what makes a Great Christian:

Verse 1- Surrenders to God
Verse 2- Separate from the world
Verses 3-8 - Sober self-assessment
Verse 9-13 - Serving in love
Verses 14-21 - Blesses those who persecute you

You can see why these may require more explanation. But I challenge you to read Romans 12, look at the previous breakdown and see where you are on the road. In fact Chip closed by challenging each of us to chart a path from here we are to become a Great Christian.

I hope these nightly blogs are blessing and challenging you! More tomorrow.

In His Grip,


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