Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

OK, so it's not such a religious song, but I thought I'd use it as a teaser to something very important I want to share today. It's all about love! The love of a 16 year old going on 17 when he meets his soul mate.

There I was sitting in the high school Sunday School class when she entered. Looking pretty much like her picture here. She introduced herself and I knew I needed to get to know her before one of the other male species made their move.

I had to act quick - Thursday night our group was going bowling - could she possibly need a ride?
But what if other people needed a ride too? Too bad for them, I wanted to take her by myself. I arrived at her home, met her parents, went bowling and drove her home. I had to do some fast talking for her to give me another chance - so I made my best 16 year old dorky boy move - and she gave in. We dated regularly for the rest of our junior and senior year - attended both proms (I was the envy of all the guys I knew when I walked in with her on my arm).

Right after graduation we took a break, both needing to find ourselves. Then in the spring of 1971 we went out again and talked. She couldn't live her life without me she said (or some words to that effect :) ) Maybe it was more like "nothing better had come along yet so she'd hang in there with me".

March 25, 972 we said "I do" forever and she's been hanging in there with me through more thick than thin!

Job changes, premature births, ministry successes and failures, gray hair and 30 lbs. and we love each other more than in Sunday School.

She is the most unselfish woman I've ever met (most beautiful too - gets better with age). She was and is totally dedicated to her role as mom and now grandma. Cindy has shown me unconditional love during my unlovely times, has been my biggest fan - truly a balcony person. She inspires me to keep going when it looked like all was lost.

I don't think there are enough words to express what these last 36+ years have meant to me - but I hope God grants us another 36! I know she's still pretty shy - and may even cringe when she reads this - but honey "I love you not only for who you are but because of who I am when I'm with you!"

Happy Anniversary!


mrsbuckett said...

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. I hope you have another 36 years too! Love you! xoxoxo's

Media Tiger 316 said...

Happy Anniversary to you both; and thank you for being such a wonderful pastoring couple.