Monday, October 18, 2010

Long Time

I began a new series yesterday at The Grove called SE7EN - it's based on the 7 Deadly Sins.

I am challenged by this series. I should be. Anytime I share what God has put on my heart I should be looking into my own. The premise I am basing this series on is how the 7 Deadly Sins even originated. St. Benedict, the predecessor of the monastic life, surmised that love is the supreme objective for Christians and that anything that sets itself up against love is our enemy. Thus he identified 7 sins that he thought were the most egregious and thus the list.

So, how am I doing in the love department? Some days I would say great - others not so. But as I look even closer I realize that so many times my love has conditions. How selfish you can be Jeff!

So as I began this series and focued on Pride and our life growth groups will be doing the same this week - my desire for me and for you is that we will decrease in the pride department and increase in the humility. In case you missed the service, you can listen to our podcast through our website at

Also, Grovers were challenged to take a look at the list below and identify one action step they could integrate into their life this week to become more humble. Hope this challenges you - it certainly does me.

Here's Nelson Searcy's adaptation of St. Benedict's 12 Steps of Humility:

12 Actions of Humility

1. Intentionally seek humility as an act of obedience

2. Seek God’s will above my own will (John 6:38)

3. Confess your sins to God quickly (1 John 1:9)

4. Persevere through sickness and affliction quietly (Romans 8:37)

5. Study God’s word and live it out daily.

6. Practice praising and complimenting others

7. Use my gifts and talents to serve others

8. Plan regular times of fasting

9. Be a friend to others who are going through humbling times

10. Restrict my sarcasm

11. Speak gently and practice silence

12. Be modest in my appearance and actions.

Until the next time,

I remain in His Grip!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Next?

I titled this blog "What Next" because I have found myself once again in the unenviable position of trying to figure out which voice is yelling the loudest at me - because - let's be truthful - that's the one you do next!

When I'm teaching at Indiana Wesleyan University I teach a course to prepare new, non-traditional students, how to be successful in their college experience. One of the exercises is time management. Many of them are single parents or young parents - but it doesn't really matter what your circumstance - because we have all filled our lives so full of things to do that when something really important comes along we may not have time for it!

So in the few minutes I have after this blog and before my next meeting, I am going to sit down and begin the process of clearing some things from my to do list and declare a moratorium on adding anything other than emergencies.

A couple things I am excited to do in the next few days is to sit down and listen to The Ministry Seminar that is my homework for next week's tele-coaching time and continue my reading of "Simply Strategic Volunteers - Empowering People for Ministry". Maybe some of the stuff that truly is important could be handled by someone else - what a novel thought!

Pray for me - I'd pray more for you but I'm too busy doing stuff! (Kidding I pray for you!)

Til next time - if I can find the time - I remain in His Grip!

Friday, January 29, 2010

One Month To Live

What would you do differently if you had one month to live? Would your priorities change? Spend more time at the office? Buy that sports car you've always wanted? The truth is you would be radically transformed by the news that 30 days from now you won't be around!

I bet you would spend more time with family and friends; that you would say I love you more often; say I'm sorry to someone (or a bunch of someones); draw closer to your creator!

Why wait til you get the news? Why not start living a no regrets lifestyle?

Starting this Sunday, January 31st, and during the next six weeks, I am going to try my hardest to help friends and family at The Grove to live a life full of life, and to re-order our lives with a Godly perspective. I hope you will join us. Check out this video from the CBS Early Show:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Would You Give Me Your Kidney?

This week I've been confronted with stories where someone has done this.

Good friends through Koinonia, Tom and Marty Stefanek, made this decision just 2 days ago. Tom's brother Dennis was in need so Tom gave him a kidney. I would like to think that if my brother or sister needed a kidney that I would give one up. I mean they are family! But I still think it is a huge decision that is made out of a love and trust of God that anyone could do this.

The second instance was in reading the testimony of a man in California who was talking about his decision to start attending church regularly and then join a small group. He had all the reservations most people have about going to church regularly and even more reservations about attempting to break into the intimate fellowship of a small group. But God impressed on him to go, and he did.

A short time later one of the other guys in the group shared that he needed a kidney. On the way home from the small group, the newbie felt God prompting him to give him one of his kidneys. He shared with his wife what he thought - she was concerned. But she found relief in the fact that the odds were against them being a good match and left it alone. Her husband proceeded to check further without the other man knowing. He was a match - an almost perfect match. So after group several months after first sharing, this man told him his plans to give him a kidney. 3 weeks following the surgery took place - one year later both men are doing great - no complications.

There are two reasons why I chose to write about this today. First, in this ever growing cynical, pessimistic culture we live in, I was moved by such profound love for a fellow human. Second, because I believe that this is what can happen in a small group when people are moved by God. It obviously means we get of the topic of weather and the kids and get down to the real nitty gritty of life.

Would you give me a kidney? I hope I don't have the need in the future - but if I did - my prayer is that life growth groups at The Grove are nurturing people in such a way that we would fulfill the scripture that says, "No greater love has any man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

I can't wait for the next semester of LGG to start - especially with the study we'll be doing - "One Month To Live". I hope you are signed up for one of the many groups being offered.