Sunday, December 30, 2007

Great End To 2007

After a brief encounter with my couch this afternoon I couldn't wait to say how proud I am of The Grove Team! First we were truly blessed by our visit by Teen Challenge. Their rich testimonies touched our hearts and helped put some faces behind this local ministry we are committed to support. I hope you were among those in attendance.

Then to top it off we put on a feast of ham and all the great sides to bless these 33 men to let them know we care about them. Our team did an awesome job setting up, serving the men, eating with them at their tables, and then clean-up and reset the auditorium. Thanks to all the devoted members of the team. (pray for Marianne and Marty who were sick this morning and couldn't attend - Marianne worked hard to pull this together)

I plan to write tomorrow and recap the year but wanted to make sure everyone was reminded of our baptismal service next Sunday followed by some baby dedications. If you have been considering baptism or have questions about it, let me know.

Tune in tomorrow - I'll try to be brief!

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