Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are You Under Attack?

Reading an article in a magazine I subscribe to and the author is really challenging me.

He is talking about people who are Christians but really not seeking to live a righteous lifestyle. He says you can tell by the fact that they have no opposition in their life. He maintains that a true sign of pursuing Christ with your whole heart is that you will experience attacks from Satan. If you aren't pursuing God then there's no reason for him to come after you - he's already got influence over you.

So I'm thinking - am I under attack? Enough attack to be a sign that I'm really headlong seeking after God? A few years back I sang a song in a group I belonged to called The Common Bond that was called "Evidence". Our kids were little and they used to think we were singing about M & M's - but I digress. The song said something like, Evidence, evidence, does your life show enough evidence. Evidence, evidence, what does your life say? Then the verse goes "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? If they put you in front of a panel of judges, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

It was a fun song - with some pretty serious lyrics. How about you - any evidence lately?

This Sunday I'll be ending our series on Work Matters with a message entitled, "How Do I Leave A Legacy". Hope you can join us!

In His Grip, (I hope tightly too)


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