Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Don't for Heaven's Sake, Don't

That's the last line of today's devotional "God So Loved You". I hope you've been enjoying the challenging comments from one of Christianity's most prolific and loved writers, Max Lucado.

Today he challenged us not to resist God's love. It's the most amazing story ever told, divinity becomes flesh and made his dwelling among us.

I was thinking after reading today's devotion about this week's message that talks about the game of solitaire and how it relates to the loneliness epidemic in our nation. Lat night someone was sharing how they were hesitant to receive the help of someone else when it was offered even though they could have used their assistance.

I'm not sure what it is that causes us to resist anothers attempts to bless us, especially if we realize it is God working through them to do so. Even more puzzling is how someone can turn down God's direct love!

Press on this week in your devotions - don't quit because you've fallen behind - just pick up where you left off or move ahead and join us today on Day 15.

God is doing some amazing things at The Grove - hope you are experiencing God's love - don't resit it - don't for heaven's sake, don't.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff! i just wanted to comment on the part of your blog that said you dont understand why we turn down assistance even if we need the help. I once heard that the root of us not willingly receiving gifts from others is actually pride. just thought i'd comment! have a blessed week! see you on easter!