Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Do You See Things?

As I've been deeply involved in preparing each week for the marriage workshop at the Y and the messages on Sunday mornings, I've had a chance to go down memory lane. I can't believe that on March 25th I will have been married to my best friend for 37 years!

An interesting thing happened last week at our first Men's Fraternity Tuesday night group. The lesson was on "What Men Need To Know About Women". The top four needs identified by women were security (relational and financial), conversational companionship, significance, and affection. I know as our conversation started that many men obviously look at things through different glasses. I'm excited to hear what men experienced when they did their homework and talked with their wives or girlfriends about this and both completed their personality profiles.

I know that the enemy seeks to destroy our marriages because he can then break down the family. My prayer for the marriages at The Grove is that we see our spouse as God sees them and receive them as a gift from Him.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

You pretty much covered the women's stuff that is for sure!
Now I know where pink and blue came from to differentiate men and women! Looks like women look through rose colored glasses and the men look through blue... learn something new everyday!

I know that the YMCA classes and sermons are making a difference. Keep preaching it brother- a message I don't think the body can hear too often!