Monday, March 9, 2009

Out With The Old, In With The New

As I woke up this morning I was still smiling from yesterday. It was a jam packed day, I was exhausted, but it was a good day! Our time of worship was sweet as we wrestled with the idea of persevering in these turbulent times. I keep hearing testimonies from those who have accepted the New Testament Challenge and even though some have fallen behind, the connection cards show a sincere desire to stay the course.

Worship was followed by the second half to Grove 101. We discussed our faith, the core beliefs and purposes of the Grove. There were many excellent questions from those seeking to understand and sincerely desiring to take their walk to a higher level.

Later in the afternoon, "The Edge" met. This is a group of young adults who, despite their hectic schedules, have made a commitment to live life together in a small group. We viewed a short video and then had a lively discussion of its pertinence to our lives. I love the hearts of these young people and how they are growing together. It only expands my dream and vision of a church that will effectively reach this generation.

The day was totally topped off with receiving pictures from Biloxi and our friends Jim and Jill. The pictures were of the finished home we worked on - enjoy the pics and to see what it looked like when we started, watch the youtube video on this blog as well.

So what am I doing writing this on my day off? It's therapy for me as I am able to cherish all the great things happening at The Grove and look with great anticipation to the week ahead. This weekend is only going to be more exciting as we hear from Pastor Igor and participate in our 2nd Annual Ministry Fair - hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn and a chance to see what's happening in the ministries at the Grove!

I can't wait!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Was the last paragraph for my benefit??? HA!!!

Thanks Jeff- I know too how energizing it is to see the move of God! I appreciate you!
