Saturday, April 11, 2009

Disconnected Thoughts

The last few days have been a roller coaster of thoughts and emotions.

Wednesday Night - another awesome time with my small group. The questions and discussion that followed didn't even allow us time to study the questions I had prepared! How exciting it is to be among people who have a hunger for God's Word and to understand His ways!

Thursday Night - Pastor Igor in his usually humble way, shared from his heart in his presentation, "Christ In The Passover". I have attended seder meals in the past but Igor's sharing was extra special.

Friday Morning - 12 Grovers attended the Good Friday breakfast at the YMCA. A record crowd of over 120 people were led in worship by Vince Ricci and we heard a message on the "Cost of the Cross" by Kathy Dickriede a Methodist Deacon. One of the participants stated they were surprised as to how touched they were by the experience. At the conclusion a young boy, maybe 7 or 8 years old., Theo, shared with me that his middle name meant he was a Warrior of God or a Warrior For God. He then went on to say he had a prayer request. He described a battle he had been having with a brain tumor. He expressed God's blessing in that he was now 6 months free from chemo. I will be praying for him everyday and will remember his confidence as he shared his faith with me. How deep is my faith I thought - how well do I deal with the challenge of life with all my experience compared to a young boy?

Saturday - our 3rd annual pancake breakfast and Easter egg hunt. Record crowd for this event as well. What a great time! Many thanks to Marcia who coordinated this event and the many Grovers that worked so hard for it to go so smoothly. How rewarding it is to look into the faces of these young children.

Now I wait. Seems I do a lot of that. I have such high expectations of what God is going to do this Easter at The Grove. So much effort goes intov every facet of our weekend experiences. I want them to have a sense of joy over their hard work, I want them to be appreciated by others as much as I do.

But I'll have to wait. The good news is that I know the rest of the story.

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