Monday, April 27, 2009

OK, So I Need Margin!

My last post talked about the need for us to have margin in our lives. OK, so I'm admitting I wrote that to myself - not sure whether anyone else can relate!

I've known for some time that I'm an activity junkie. When you add the potential for an activity to expand the kingdom and I'm there. One of my biggest struggles is evaluating between the good and the best. In fact, Steven Covey in his book, First Things First says that the enemy of the best is the good! So I'm going to spend some time identifying where I need to delegate, where my time can best be spent, and retool myself to become more productive with a little less cost to myself and family.

I say all this realizing there are a couple of things I can't possibly back down on. So Lord give me wisdom and insight and help us at The Grove cultivate more workers as you continue to grow us.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Not sure whether anyone can relate??? HA! So many good things, so little time!

Looks like we are all wrestling with this margin thing by the looks of our blogs. Will be praying for balance and margin for you Jeff.
