Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Lessons

Glad I don't have to find out personally but it was hotter than _ _ _ _ down here today! So what's the best thing to do on that kind of day? Go to the sprinkler water park on Ft. Campbell. The squealing kids are what first gets your attention and then you see the reason. Buckets filling up over your head and let go when you least expect it - kids with water guns shooting at whomever they please = water erupting out of the ground or out of a neat looking spigot.

Well I was like a kid again but I wasn't the center of attraction. It's that 13 month old cutie named Angus! The minute he saw the kids he screamed out in joy - the second his feet touched the ground he was off. We had to redirect him several times because he would lose track of where he was. It wasn't long before he was going head long into every chance to explore and get wet.

My point? How often do you throw off all caution in the face of a new opportunity and trust God to take care of you? I hope to listen to God more carefully as he sends me into places that may seem scary - I might even get soaked - but what a way to go!

I remain in His Grip and truth be told in this little guys grip too! Check out the video!


Monday, July 28, 2008

Lessons From A 1 Year Old

Have you ever been around someone whose laugh is so infectious you can't help but join in?

I don't think we laugh enough anymore. We don't put ourselves in the position to. We are so driven by our jobs, our hobbies, or our need for the next experience, that we miss some pretty good ones right in front of us.

At the prodding of my bride and a desire to be helpful to our daughter, I flew to Nashville Sunday after church and will be spending a couple days here with Jenny and our grandson Angus. Today was pretty hot and humid, so much so that the weatherman's index here to measure humidity was in the oppressive range! But we managed to cut up the tree that fell across here fence, clean up the yard and mow it before it got even hotter. Can't remember being much hotter in my 56 years!

But inside the house it was much different. The air was on and our grandson was anxious for grandpa to come back in the house. I had been working especially hard to win him back over sine it's been several weeks since we were last together and our weekly webcam just doesn't accomplish the same. But by mid-afternoon I had worked my grandfatherly charm - on all fours and giggling and making a fool of myself - but Angus loved it. And so did I. Can I just freeze frame my life and enjoy this moment over and over forever? Well yes I can thanks to technology. I've provided a picture and a video below.

Let me encourage you to come out of wherever you are hotter than you've ever been, come inside where it's cooler, get down on all fours, make a fool of yourself and LAUGH!

Nothing overly spiritual about that concept but I think God would approve.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Amazing - Awesome - Incredible - Blessed!

I find it difficult to find one word to describe what we experienced yesterday at SONday 2008 at Painesville's Party in the Park!

First of all it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for God's provision. When I awoke at 5:30am to a full blown thunderstorm I thought we were in deep weeds. But a closer look at the hour by hour forecast told us we had a window of opportunity through Noon to pull it off. Guess what? Within 10-15 minutes after we packed up the equipment - the clouds opened up! God was sooooo good.

Next we add the hard work of our worship team and our ace sound guy and we had an awesome sound.

We were already encouraged by the fact that two new churches were on the roster. The morning opened with Painesville Church of God's worship team. I've recently become friends with their pastor through our pastor's prayer time and I knew if the worship team was half as committed to God as he and we were in for a treat. We weren't disappointed! They had a great sound and were sincere in their worship. I hated for their time to come to a close.

Another pastor who prays with me offered his choir to share in a 20 minute mini-cantata called, "The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference". First Baptist Church of Painesville brought their choir of 15 and blessed us with a powerful message.

"Undone" a ministry of Painesville Assembly of God returned for the second year and challenged us to devote our lives to Christ and enjoy the salvation He has given to us.

At the last minute a choir had to cancel and God provided Iglesia Del Salvador, El Faro. Led by Pastor Bob August they have provided ministry to our Hispanic brothers and sisters for 17 years. They were amazing! Their love for Jesus was obvious as they have grown in number and in proficiency - again they were amazing as they brought an excitement and flavor to their worship that had everyone on their feet.

The morning was capped by The Grove Worship Team. They cut loose like never before and felt a freedom to worship that was witnessed by all in attendance. I have never been prouder of our team in every aspect. I was also blessed by all those from the Grove that attended to worship and supported our team. Our children's ministry provided activity bags and a snack to every child and our hospitality team greeted everyone warmly.

The times where churches link arms and drop all barriers are few and far between. It is rare we have the opportunity to join cross culturally and cross denominational lines as well. I am richer today because of this time spent in worship - I trust those in attendance would concur.

I look forward to what God wants to accomplish at SONday 2009!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Think Smart

I think, no I know God is speaking to me today!

Actually he speaks to me everyday - but I don't always listen.

Two of my favorite emails I subscribe to reminded me of how to stay mentally vibrant in ministry and the second dealt with self-control. As I read them I realized how connected the two are. I think the comments in the first article are good for anyone whether in ministry or not. Read what he suggested that comes from Reggie McNeal's book entitled Practicing Greatness:

• Adequate sleep (a sleep-hungry brain is subject to fuzzy thinking and poor judgment)

• Proper Diet (especially a good amount of protein)

• Moderate your use of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine (don’t use these to ‘medicate your anxiety’

• Adequate exercise (helps physically, but also mentally)

• Daily doses of positive human contact (leaders who are connected are keeping their brains ‘wired’)

• Mental recreation (It helps from making your thoughts dull and tired)

• Muse time (time to ponder, noodle, reflect)

OK, this is where self-control comes in. Rick Ezell from One Minute Uplift states: "
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: "Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending."

Somewhere past the starting point a problem exists. Wouldn't it be nice to have a genie who could help us finish what we start? Or, an angel that would protect us from falling into the snares of the evil one? Or, a guide that would direct us on the straight and narrow path of godly upright behavior? Unfortunately, we don't have those available to us. But we do possess the inner dynamic of self-control, which is a needed and essential virtue for effective living.

Self-control is one of the best friends you and I can have. It will enable us to become the persons we want to be and to perform the activities we want to do. We need to cherish this friend always. It is a real life saver.

Yet self-control extracts a high price. Following one of the famed Polish concert pianists, Ignance Paderewski, outstanding performances, a fan said to him, "I'd give my life to play like that." The brilliant pianist replied, "I did." On another occasion Paderewski was asked by a fellow pianist if he could be ready to play a recital on short notice. The famous musician replied, "I am always ready. I have practiced eight hours daily for forty years." The other pianist said, "I wish I had been born with such determination." Paderewski replied, "We are all born with it. I just used mine."

I am not saying that we could become concert pianists just by exercising enough self-control. But, when it comes to effective living each we have the makings of triumph, if we will apply our wills and come under God's control and pay the price.

Self-control has your best interest at heart. People exercising self-control are happier and healthier because they are fulfilling their inner potential. It is one of the best friends anyone could have.

So, where are you in your self-control? Join me in this quest!