Sunday, December 28, 2008

Closing Out My Week

I've read other pastors blogs and noticed a common thing many of them do - they kind of let all the thoughts of their week flood out on Sunday nights - kind of a letting go experience. Thought I'd do it too and see how it goes.

Things I've learned this week.

1- No matter how much you want things to stay the same, they don't. Every Christmas is a little different now - and that's a good thing. Different days, times and plans - all good.

2- Making a difference in the life of someone else is where it's at. Had the chance to bless someone this week who would be alone on Christmas - it felt great to keep the focus off of me!

3- I don't need anything! Struggled to come up with a list for my family for Christmas. Loved everything I got - but really have more than I could hope for - we are so rich.

4- Grandkids in one day can provide you a week, make that a month's worth of memories. I find myself making nonsensical sounds and repeating gibberish much to the dismay of the parents who I'm sure wish I would talk more intelligently.

5- I truly want to finish strong in 2008 and get my new year off on the right foot. I will be making some goals and specific life plans and won't rest til I've met them.

6- I love my church family and the committed Christians who work along side of me. We will be making a huge difference in N/E Ohio this year.

7- I'm getting older and it's taking much longer to do things than it used to. I just pray God gives me enough time to complete all the dreams he's given me.

8- Finally. As I shared this morning - I woke from a deep dream this week realizing I had been weeping. When asked by others around me I couldn't speak. As I probed deeper into my dream I realized it was because I felt deep sorrow for those who didn't have clean water to drink and that up until now I hadn't done anything about it. Thanks to the Grovers who stepped up today and gave $1,500 in our Christmas offering. I hope I dream more this week - more importantly I hope I feel deeply about those things that grieve the heart of God.

Time for rest.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Generous Giving

We tackled a tough subject Sunday! It's the one many pastors cringe over sharing, but it's soooo critical to the advancement of God's purposes for His church and The Grove. Thanks for the many comments after the message - I'm of course assuming you are the ones who already practice giving generously.

As we move into the holidays and toward 09 I am challenged by the many dreams God has given us and what we will need to do to accomplish them with His help. As I mentioned Sunday, our giving will need to increase and be consistent.

Speaking of generosity - I had the privilege of driving down to Mansfield yesterday to drop off the 52 Operation Christmas Child boxes. The people were truly thankful and impressed that we all had the plastic ones. They said it made it much easier to pack. As you will see by the pictures they had a group of friendly volunteers waiting for me and before I knew it they were packing them 12-13 in a larger box and then out top the semi where 600 boxes had already been loaded.

Thank you Grovers for your generosity - we have a couple more opportunities before this holiday is over to be generous - be sure to be there Sunday as we join the Advent Conspiracy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rest and Other Things I Learned in The Sticks

Last week I attended a two day conference called "The Sticks" in Loudonville, OH (Officially in The Sticks). I left late on Monday (my day off) and rushed back to lead the men's group on Wednesday night. I was reminded repeatedly through the conference several things but one thing stuck, again. "We cannot be dependent on ourselves and dependent on God at the same time. When we consider the practice of rest unnecessary, we also will inevitably lose sight of the necessity of God."

I justified my involvement the lat 6 weeks in a new life growth group because I wanted to get to know these ladies. I don't regret it, just realize I need to do a better job of protecting my day off.

How are you doing in the rest department? I'm concerned about you - because as much as I run I see some of you running even harder - and the holidays are on top of us which means some of you will run even faster! Why!

What are we modelling to our kids, and our neighbors (who we seek to reach for Christ) when they see us frenetically going from experience to experience, never seeming to be satisfied by the previous?

I pray you will join me in the Advent Conspiracy. We will explain more fully on Sunday, November 30th - but let me prime the pump (so to speak). Before you go crazy with your calendar and your credit cards for this holiday - STOP - see what God wants to do to you, in you and through you this Christmas!

That's all for now - REST - STOP - sounds great to me.

Pastor Jeff

p.s. Prayers welcome for Cindy and I as we go to TN to see our daughter and grandson to help them prepare for their daddy's return from Iraq the following week. More from Nashville and more about The Sticks!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mold Me, Make Me, Fill Me, Use Me

From the moment we helped Jim Anderson load in his equipment (potters wheel, table and supplies) I knew we were in for a treat. He carries such a sweet serving spirit and wanted to be down on the floor, close to the people so everyone could see. The children sat close and watched intently.

He started with a song, "Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me."

God's Spirit indeed feel upon those in attendance.

Jim served as a pastor til last June - but his passion for his craft and the ability to bring his ministry to groups like ours was too much to do it all.

I can see why - Jim shared a life changing, life altering message. It was one of those kinds of experiences that only come along once in a while. I am different because of it. Maybe it was the way he wove scripture and the many lessons we have already learned during this 40 Day campaign into his presentation. It certainly was neat to see him throw a lump of clay on the wheel, center it, open it up and then draw it up into the shape it was designed to take.

He reminded us that God shapes us in 4 ways; through the Bible, prayer, being an active part of the Body of Christ and through our circumstances.

At the end he reminded us that his pottery had to dry completely, then be fired once, glaze applied and then fired in an even hotter fire before it would be completed. I know that none of us enjoy the refiners fire but it burns off the impurities and makes us pure to be more useful to God.

Jim closed the way he started - by singing an old hymn, "Have thine own way" - it was great!

I am so glad I met Jim - I am so glad God used him to further shape my life. I'm sure those present felt the same way.

Pastor Jeff

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Do Community or Not Do Community - That Is The Question

In one of my emails this week I was directed to a book review and a short excerpt from a new book entitled "Total Church: A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community" by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis.

The book was trying to help blend two camps of thought. One is from the traditional church claiming that the emerging church movement is short on truth; and the emerging church stating that the traditional church is short on community. As I read intently I came across this; "We agree with the conservatives that the emerging church is too often soft on truth. But we do not think the answer is to be suspicious of community. Indeed, we think that conservatives often do not “do truth” well because they neglect community. Because people are not sharing their lives, truth is not applied and lived out."

This really got my attention for a couple of reasons. First, our vision is to be real people with real truth. The second is my burden to see the people of The Grove experiencing true community.

My commitment has been to share the truth in contemporary ways with the use of music and media. I am conscious of the allegations from some in Christianity that we may have therefore adopted a decision to dispense "gospel light" to our people. I would challenge anyone to visit the Grove and tell us we are doing that. You can disagree with our style, but the TRUTH is spoken!

So I'm not concerned that we couldn't pass the scrutiny test of others in the truth argument. What I am concerned about, no actually baffled over, is the reluctance, and in some ways downright refusal, for people to participate in a life-growth group.

Over the years I've read everything I can get my hands on about building up your groups - the struggle of how busy everyone is - how skeptical we all are - this technique and that technique. We've shared testimonies from members whose lives have been powerfully effected by life-growth group involvement - and yet people still don't sign up.

Everyone who attends The Grove is aware that for the next 40 days (actually 38 now) we are participating in an all church spiritual growth campaign which strongly emphasizes enrollment in one of 6 groups that meet during the week. I've led two already and the third met just yesterday. The word back is that they are too short! People are truly enjoying the conversations that are emerging from the DVD lesson and the following discussion.

So what more can I do to help people see that; "Because people are not sharing their lives, truth is not applied and lived out"?

I will definitely pray for people to slow down, re-prioritize, and re-examine their refusal to get into a group - if not for themselves then for the impact they can have on the rest of the group.

I know lives are going to be changed and the end result of this campaign will be amazing, but I can't seem to let go of the fact that some will miss out, and that truly is a burden to me.

We will as Pastor Rick Warren suggests, invite people one more time this week, because it's not too late we've just begun. I just hope people will respond.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Nature Cries Out

All week long I've been planning on sharing what God put on my heart last weekend in the final moments of the leadership retreat. After the group had participated in a session on evaluating The Grove "On Purpose", then evaluating themselves, we were led in a session on personal brokenness. We then discussed the biblical dynamics of revival in a church. It was an exhausting day - we worshipped around the campfire, and then ended the day with a video by Louie Giglio on how big our creator God really is. Sunday morning was a time for personal reflection in which we all went out on our own to look at nature and listen to what God was saying to us.

The pictures attached and the following is what I want to share with you today:

"As I walked and talked with the Lord I found myself sitting under the overhang of a building that had seen better days. R4sting underneath was also a vintage Ford tractor with a makeshift trailer made of the pick up bed from a Dodge truck.

Only a stones throw away was a rusted up retired wood chipper - left among the weeds no longer useful except as a refuge for mice or the occasional bird perch.

A quick glance in the immediate area revealed an abandoned car - pick up cap, an old pull behind the tractor lawn mower, cinder blocks and other unrecognizable metal objects.

I immediately thought this was a good word picture for the body of Christ and even for me individually.

I sometimes feel like that old Ford tractor, I've got more rusty hinges every year - some because of the normal aging process - others because I'm not taking care of it as I should. Yes Lord, I'll pay better attention to this temple you've created so that I won't be forced to retire earl;y only to be useful as an Angus or Ruby perch.

The body is made up of Fords, Chevy's, Chrysler's and the occasional foreign model. We have all kinds of discarded things laying around our yards too - like relationships, dreams, passions, and God inspired vision.

Help me Lord to assist others in realizing their full potential - to reignite their passions - restore their relationships - fulfill their dreams and finish well.

In the quiet or at times, not so quiet woods, I once again am in touch with the one who created it all. The one who is so far away and yet so close. The one who can give me serenity in the midst of chaos. The one who can restore right relationships - undo past failures - correct my pride issues and use me, even me, rusted and at times wishing I could retire early.

May I be an oil can, grease gun, sand blaster, or polishing rag in your kingdom!"

Not sure who else this inspiration was meant for - pray it encourages someone else.

Stay tuned for more as we live Purpose Driven Lives!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Lessons

Glad I don't have to find out personally but it was hotter than _ _ _ _ down here today! So what's the best thing to do on that kind of day? Go to the sprinkler water park on Ft. Campbell. The squealing kids are what first gets your attention and then you see the reason. Buckets filling up over your head and let go when you least expect it - kids with water guns shooting at whomever they please = water erupting out of the ground or out of a neat looking spigot.

Well I was like a kid again but I wasn't the center of attraction. It's that 13 month old cutie named Angus! The minute he saw the kids he screamed out in joy - the second his feet touched the ground he was off. We had to redirect him several times because he would lose track of where he was. It wasn't long before he was going head long into every chance to explore and get wet.

My point? How often do you throw off all caution in the face of a new opportunity and trust God to take care of you? I hope to listen to God more carefully as he sends me into places that may seem scary - I might even get soaked - but what a way to go!

I remain in His Grip and truth be told in this little guys grip too! Check out the video!


Monday, July 28, 2008

Lessons From A 1 Year Old

Have you ever been around someone whose laugh is so infectious you can't help but join in?

I don't think we laugh enough anymore. We don't put ourselves in the position to. We are so driven by our jobs, our hobbies, or our need for the next experience, that we miss some pretty good ones right in front of us.

At the prodding of my bride and a desire to be helpful to our daughter, I flew to Nashville Sunday after church and will be spending a couple days here with Jenny and our grandson Angus. Today was pretty hot and humid, so much so that the weatherman's index here to measure humidity was in the oppressive range! But we managed to cut up the tree that fell across here fence, clean up the yard and mow it before it got even hotter. Can't remember being much hotter in my 56 years!

But inside the house it was much different. The air was on and our grandson was anxious for grandpa to come back in the house. I had been working especially hard to win him back over sine it's been several weeks since we were last together and our weekly webcam just doesn't accomplish the same. But by mid-afternoon I had worked my grandfatherly charm - on all fours and giggling and making a fool of myself - but Angus loved it. And so did I. Can I just freeze frame my life and enjoy this moment over and over forever? Well yes I can thanks to technology. I've provided a picture and a video below.

Let me encourage you to come out of wherever you are hotter than you've ever been, come inside where it's cooler, get down on all fours, make a fool of yourself and LAUGH!

Nothing overly spiritual about that concept but I think God would approve.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Amazing - Awesome - Incredible - Blessed!

I find it difficult to find one word to describe what we experienced yesterday at SONday 2008 at Painesville's Party in the Park!

First of all it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for God's provision. When I awoke at 5:30am to a full blown thunderstorm I thought we were in deep weeds. But a closer look at the hour by hour forecast told us we had a window of opportunity through Noon to pull it off. Guess what? Within 10-15 minutes after we packed up the equipment - the clouds opened up! God was sooooo good.

Next we add the hard work of our worship team and our ace sound guy and we had an awesome sound.

We were already encouraged by the fact that two new churches were on the roster. The morning opened with Painesville Church of God's worship team. I've recently become friends with their pastor through our pastor's prayer time and I knew if the worship team was half as committed to God as he and we were in for a treat. We weren't disappointed! They had a great sound and were sincere in their worship. I hated for their time to come to a close.

Another pastor who prays with me offered his choir to share in a 20 minute mini-cantata called, "The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference". First Baptist Church of Painesville brought their choir of 15 and blessed us with a powerful message.

"Undone" a ministry of Painesville Assembly of God returned for the second year and challenged us to devote our lives to Christ and enjoy the salvation He has given to us.

At the last minute a choir had to cancel and God provided Iglesia Del Salvador, El Faro. Led by Pastor Bob August they have provided ministry to our Hispanic brothers and sisters for 17 years. They were amazing! Their love for Jesus was obvious as they have grown in number and in proficiency - again they were amazing as they brought an excitement and flavor to their worship that had everyone on their feet.

The morning was capped by The Grove Worship Team. They cut loose like never before and felt a freedom to worship that was witnessed by all in attendance. I have never been prouder of our team in every aspect. I was also blessed by all those from the Grove that attended to worship and supported our team. Our children's ministry provided activity bags and a snack to every child and our hospitality team greeted everyone warmly.

The times where churches link arms and drop all barriers are few and far between. It is rare we have the opportunity to join cross culturally and cross denominational lines as well. I am richer today because of this time spent in worship - I trust those in attendance would concur.

I look forward to what God wants to accomplish at SONday 2009!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Think Smart

I think, no I know God is speaking to me today!

Actually he speaks to me everyday - but I don't always listen.

Two of my favorite emails I subscribe to reminded me of how to stay mentally vibrant in ministry and the second dealt with self-control. As I read them I realized how connected the two are. I think the comments in the first article are good for anyone whether in ministry or not. Read what he suggested that comes from Reggie McNeal's book entitled Practicing Greatness:

• Adequate sleep (a sleep-hungry brain is subject to fuzzy thinking and poor judgment)

• Proper Diet (especially a good amount of protein)

• Moderate your use of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine (don’t use these to ‘medicate your anxiety’

• Adequate exercise (helps physically, but also mentally)

• Daily doses of positive human contact (leaders who are connected are keeping their brains ‘wired’)

• Mental recreation (It helps from making your thoughts dull and tired)

• Muse time (time to ponder, noodle, reflect)

OK, this is where self-control comes in. Rick Ezell from One Minute Uplift states: "
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: "Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending."

Somewhere past the starting point a problem exists. Wouldn't it be nice to have a genie who could help us finish what we start? Or, an angel that would protect us from falling into the snares of the evil one? Or, a guide that would direct us on the straight and narrow path of godly upright behavior? Unfortunately, we don't have those available to us. But we do possess the inner dynamic of self-control, which is a needed and essential virtue for effective living.

Self-control is one of the best friends you and I can have. It will enable us to become the persons we want to be and to perform the activities we want to do. We need to cherish this friend always. It is a real life saver.

Yet self-control extracts a high price. Following one of the famed Polish concert pianists, Ignance Paderewski, outstanding performances, a fan said to him, "I'd give my life to play like that." The brilliant pianist replied, "I did." On another occasion Paderewski was asked by a fellow pianist if he could be ready to play a recital on short notice. The famous musician replied, "I am always ready. I have practiced eight hours daily for forty years." The other pianist said, "I wish I had been born with such determination." Paderewski replied, "We are all born with it. I just used mine."

I am not saying that we could become concert pianists just by exercising enough self-control. But, when it comes to effective living each we have the makings of triumph, if we will apply our wills and come under God's control and pay the price.

Self-control has your best interest at heart. People exercising self-control are happier and healthier because they are fulfilling their inner potential. It is one of the best friends anyone could have.

So, where are you in your self-control? Join me in this quest!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Is Our Church a Salad Bar or a Main Entrée?

What an awesome time we had celebrating our first anniversary yesterday! Thanks to everyone that made it such a huge success. over 108 people attended, the weather held off, the food was great and hearing the powerful testimonies was inspirational. But what's in store for The Grove in year 2?

One of the many blogs I receive titled theirs: "Is Your Church a Salad Bar or a Main Entrée?"

The blog went on to say:

"A recent article in USA Today says that religion in the United States is now a "salad bar" where people "heap on upbeat beliefs they like and often leave the veggies -- like strict doctrines -- behind."

For example, 92 percent of the Americans surveyed said they believe in God, and 58 percent say they pray every day. And while 74 percent of people believe there is a heaven, just 59 percent believe there is a hell. And 70 percent of those polled said that they believe "many religions can lead to eternal life."

Those are some pretty startling statistics.

As pastors and church leaders, great is the burden on us to spiritually advise, teach, and admonish those under our care. The Bible speaks specifically about how we’ll be judged on our faithfulness in doing so.

How would the people your church answer this survey:

1. Do you believe in God?
2. Do you pray every day?
3. Do you believe in heaven?
4. Do you believe in hell?
5. Do you believe a person can get to heaven outside of Christ?

I would hope that each of our churches would do much better than this national survey implies they would."

The author then challenged pastors to take a few minutes to think about the implications of this for your church, and those you to whom you minister. Are you being clear in what you teach? And are the people under your care growing in their understand of what it means to be a believer?

So, is your church a salad bar, or more of a source of nourishing protein?"

I began to wonder how the people of The Grove would answer these questions. Just last night at The Edge (a young adult small group) we discussed our cultures perspective on whether the Bible is inspired and whether we should take it literally. I shared my concern that I worry that we may be entertaining people but are they growing in their relationship with Christ and their knowledge of scripture?

My desire is not just to gather a crowd, but to rise up mature Christians that are world changers. Take a minute and answer the questions above. Then I'd be interested in reading your comments. You can either post them here or send them personally to my personal email at

I look forward to year #2 ! Real People, Real Truth, Really!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's A Sign!

Here we are on the edge of The Grove's first anniversary! We've witnessed so many things during our first year as an independant church. I can't wait to read all the testimonies that will be published this weekend. I'm also looking forward to worshipping outdoors and all of the extra special things that will be happening. I'm praying you are all coming and bringing a friend or family member with you.

I'm excited to let you know that tonight Tom Winfield, Lennie Pitsenbarger and myself put our new sign atop the pole at the road. I've included some pictures for you.

Saturday morning we'll spreuce up The Grove and we'll be ready to celebrate.

Thanks to all of you that have made this church one that's made up of Real People, learning the Real Truth, Really!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

When in Rome...

You may be familiar with the end of that phrase, "do as the Romans do".

We all know that it is easy to become like those you hang around with. At the Grove we are hoping for the opposite to happen. We want to rub off on thoe around us.

While attending the church planting conference in Orlando I was challenged to more succinctly state what I believe God's vision is for The Grove. A vision statement is different from the mission statement. You all know the mission statement, "To Know, Go, Show and Sow."

A vision statement's goal is to identify a problem and the fix. In the weeks and months to follow I hope to flesh it out more so I'll just lay it out there and you can ask me if you are interested in knowing more til my next blog. Here it is, "Real People, Real Truth, Really!"

Hope you can join us over the next 15 weeks as we will be looking deeply into the Book of Romans. This week's message is entitled, "I Have Good news and Bad News".

Til next time I remain In His Grip!


Monday, April 28, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

I had hoped to summarize the rest of our conference but got too distracted by all the fun in the sun. If you don't believe me take a close look at Dave and Lenie - they are the ying and yang of the value of sunscreen!

If I can put 35 pages of notes into a couple of thoughts they would this:

We must do all we can as individuals and a s a church to assist believers in growing to maturity. It must be woven into the very fabric of who we are - we will be talking about this thing called "Life on Life Missional Evangelism" in the weeks to come. We already have some basic processes in place, we call them Grove 101, 201, 301. I went to work developing 401 before I left for Orlando and will be rolling it out soon.

The final thought for tonight is this: the world is looking for Real People and the Real Truth, Really! More on what this means later.

I hope you will join us this Sunday at 9am at the Y for Melanie Rodriguez's baptism!

She is a young woman who has worked very hard to put herself through college - just graduated with her degree in nursing and now wants to get more serious about her walk with the Lord. I hope we can blow her away by supporting her in this Next Step.

Are you hearing God's voice tell you it's time to be baptized? Give me a call if that's the case.

Til next time - stay In His Grip


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update From Exponential 08

Hello again!

It's been an exhausting day. Our first workshop began at 8am and we went til 5:20pm. So much to process and consider as it applies to The Grove.

It has been good on several fronts to realize that we are doing some great things already!

At the same time there are things we could be doing we are not.

I need to make sure the clear vision that God has given to me for His church is stated clearly in our vision - so expect some further writing about that. The prevailing theme throughout this conference has been the development of disciples and leaders. I have been challenged by Randy Popes definition of "Life on Life Missional Discipleship". He has 40 years of discipling men in small groups and if he ever had to choose between pastoring his church of 3,500 or raising up leaders in a small group and he wouldn't take 20 seconds to choose the small group.

In order for The Grove to fulfill it's mission of planting new churches in N/E Ohio we must raise up more leaders and more artists.

A lot of conversation has taken place over a church's DNA. At the same time I've been reading a book on the subject and am curious what others think is unique about us. What sets The Grove apart form any other church.? I don't mean better or superior, just what makes us unique?

Alan Hirsh has challenged us to look at 4 areas that we need to recover in order to get back to our "ethos" - or our characteristic spirit of our church culture.

Here are two of them (I hope you find it as interesting as I):

We must recover the absolute centrality of Jesus of His own movement. (meaning the Christian church movement)

We must recover discipleship as the core task of the church.

I especially enjoyed seeing an old friend, Steve Andrews from Kensington Community Church in Troy Michigan. I'll write more tomorrow about his thoughts and any additional insights I get in the final sessions tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for Lenie, Dave and I that we will capture all we need to in order to come home inspired and motivated to take the next step in church planting.

In His Grip,


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Delays, Alligators and 84 Degrees

Well its been way too long since I last wrote. I'd have written Sunday but we were stuck in the airport for a 3+ hour delay and didn't get here til late. Then we learned our rooms weren't set up for Internet. On top of it all I had to pay when I got to the Internet cafe.

Dave Orloski, Lenie Pitsenbarger and myself are attending Exponential 08 in Orlando this week. We started our week out at Kissimmee Wildlife Tours and an airboat ride which was a blast!

We ended the evening wandering around downtown Disney and watching people and the beautiful lights in the warm evening air.

Today we went to First Baptist Church of Orlando for the start of this church planting conference and were treated to an excellent band from 2/42 Community Church. (Those who helped us start 2.0 will remember visiting this church on our field trip.) Their church has grown from the 350 at the grand opening to over 1200 today.

Then Andy Stanley spoke on the subject of vision. He clarified several things for me and helped generate more conversation with Dave and Lenie and I. They're at the beach/waterfront and I'm slaving over a hot keyboard. Not really - really wanted to keep in touch with all of you.

Hope you enjoy the few pics I've attached and we ask for your prayers as we continue to seek God's revelation about our next church plant! Talk with you soon - in the meanwhile I remain,

In His Grip,


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?

OK, so it's not such a religious song, but I thought I'd use it as a teaser to something very important I want to share today. It's all about love! The love of a 16 year old going on 17 when he meets his soul mate.

There I was sitting in the high school Sunday School class when she entered. Looking pretty much like her picture here. She introduced herself and I knew I needed to get to know her before one of the other male species made their move.

I had to act quick - Thursday night our group was going bowling - could she possibly need a ride?
But what if other people needed a ride too? Too bad for them, I wanted to take her by myself. I arrived at her home, met her parents, went bowling and drove her home. I had to do some fast talking for her to give me another chance - so I made my best 16 year old dorky boy move - and she gave in. We dated regularly for the rest of our junior and senior year - attended both proms (I was the envy of all the guys I knew when I walked in with her on my arm).

Right after graduation we took a break, both needing to find ourselves. Then in the spring of 1971 we went out again and talked. She couldn't live her life without me she said (or some words to that effect :) ) Maybe it was more like "nothing better had come along yet so she'd hang in there with me".

March 25, 972 we said "I do" forever and she's been hanging in there with me through more thick than thin!

Job changes, premature births, ministry successes and failures, gray hair and 30 lbs. and we love each other more than in Sunday School.

She is the most unselfish woman I've ever met (most beautiful too - gets better with age). She was and is totally dedicated to her role as mom and now grandma. Cindy has shown me unconditional love during my unlovely times, has been my biggest fan - truly a balcony person. She inspires me to keep going when it looked like all was lost.

I don't think there are enough words to express what these last 36+ years have meant to me - but I hope God grants us another 36! I know she's still pretty shy - and may even cringe when she reads this - but honey "I love you not only for who you are but because of who I am when I'm with you!"

Happy Anniversary!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Will You Pray?

I received an email from a brother pastor of mine in the Akron area. he had just returned from the Philippines where he was teaching other pastors and training leaders. He was amazed at ho God moved in his trip. This is a small part of what he wrote:

"I learned an important truth that will remain with me always. And that is the simple, yet profound privilege of bringing one's needs and concerns before the Father."

It is indeed a privilege! He continues:

"My brothers and sisters there showed me that with expectant faith a child of God can just tell Him about their need and He will supply it. A woman asked the Lord to give them rice for her family's next meal and that very day He prompted me to slip some pesos into her hand – she wept with joy. A pastor places his hands on his children's heads and prays for them before they leave for school – they do well and are protected as he expected. A young teen asked God for a guitar so that he could play it for Him in worship and the next day a generous woman calls and says that she has money to buy a guitar for the church. A lonely pastor cries out to God for his ministry to bear more fruit and God gives him the means to relocate the church near the highway and it is growing each week. I was taken to a place called Touch of Glory Prayer Mountain and I prayed alone at length in a very small cell with only a stool and small stand. It was then that I had a sweet encounter with the Lord unlike ever before and found out how weak my prayer life had become.

We need the power and encouragement found at the throne of grace, but we have settled for much less and then wonder why God does not intervene in our small world. He is far bigger than we ever imagined and He is ready and willing to bless us over and over again!"

I'm ashamed of myself over the times I haven't prayed with such conviction!

Tonight, the steering committee of The Grove is meeting to pray for each of you by name and for those concerns you have made known. We encourage you to also be praying for us as we discern God's direction for the church as we pursue our mission to know, go, show and sow.

We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow at the pancake breakfast and easter egg hunt and on Sunday at the Sunrise Service at 8:30am.

Pastor Jeff

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Don't for Heaven's Sake, Don't

That's the last line of today's devotional "God So Loved You". I hope you've been enjoying the challenging comments from one of Christianity's most prolific and loved writers, Max Lucado.

Today he challenged us not to resist God's love. It's the most amazing story ever told, divinity becomes flesh and made his dwelling among us.

I was thinking after reading today's devotion about this week's message that talks about the game of solitaire and how it relates to the loneliness epidemic in our nation. Lat night someone was sharing how they were hesitant to receive the help of someone else when it was offered even though they could have used their assistance.

I'm not sure what it is that causes us to resist anothers attempts to bless us, especially if we realize it is God working through them to do so. Even more puzzling is how someone can turn down God's direct love!

Press on this week in your devotions - don't quit because you've fallen behind - just pick up where you left off or move ahead and join us today on Day 15.

God is doing some amazing things at The Grove - hope you are experiencing God's love - don't resit it - don't for heaven's sake, don't.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Some Final Comments From Founders Week

We're back on the train early in the morning so this will be brief.

Tommy Nelson shared with us from Hebrews 13 that as Christians we must stand true! We must resist the temptation to throw up our hands and give up. We may have to suffer for our faith someday but the good news is that we don't have to stay here!

We must learn to love others better. Some of us have theological B.O.. People don't like us - we have to change that. Finally how do we do all this? Within the context of the local church. We need to grow together and impact N/E Ohio together.

Pastor James Ford gave us a glimpse as to what it means to worship His majesty.

This evening our scheduled speaker was grounded in Texas so Colin Smith stepped in and shared the message, "Finding Rest Through The Confidence of God's Word"

Briefly a couple points. If you were asked what you believe the Bible is, what would you say? The Word of God? If that was your answer you are halfway there. Many people believe that, What we seem to be lacking in understanding as Christians is what the Bible does! We must believe that it does God's work! He broke down the parable of the sower from Mark 4:1-20.

4 kinds of soil (people): hard, shallow, pre-occupied and fertile. How can we be successful? Sine God can be trusted to plow the ground, we must be intentional about sowing the seeds.

Perfect segue to this Sunday. We are praying for a harvest of souls - but how can we have this if those who haven't heard the gospel aren't present? I hope you've taken the time to send out your invitations. If not, it's not too late to send them a note and then follow up with a phone call. I look forward to seeing you all at The Grove Sunday!

In His Grip, (and soon to be riding in coach)


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Want To Be A Great Christian?

Another powerful day of teaching at Founders Week!

We were treated first thing this morning to Dr. Gary Chapman (5 Love Languages among others) who shared "You and Your Adult Child". He broke down Ezekiel 18 with some awesome observations:
#1- Parents cannot control or determine the behavior of their adult children. The good news is that they can never outlive the influence of your training and prayers for them!
#2- Parents are not responsible for the sins of their adult children.
#3- Children need not fail because their parents failed.
#4- We can, and do, influence our children and their children.

After some awesome time of worship, we experienced the ministry of Sara Groves and then the Executive Director of Jews For Jesus , David Brickner spoke. He broke down further Psalm 46. His passion for winning all people, and especially Jews was more than inspiring and caused me to wonder if I had the same zeal for the lost in Lake County?

Tonight it was all caped off by Chip Ingram, President of On The Edge Radio ministry in California. He is heard by over 1 million people a day! I can't do justice to what he shared but let me try.

His message was "Becoming A Romans 12 Christian"

His question to us was "What makes a Great Christian?" He stated that the glory of God demands Great Christians and the needs of the world demand Great Christians.

The problem in the church today is not too much ambition, it's too little!

I hope to be able to expand more on this to you personally someday but here's the cliff notes on what makes a Great Christian:

Verse 1- Surrenders to God
Verse 2- Separate from the world
Verses 3-8 - Sober self-assessment
Verse 9-13 - Serving in love
Verses 14-21 - Blesses those who persecute you

You can see why these may require more explanation. But I challenge you to read Romans 12, look at the previous breakdown and see where you are on the road. In fact Chip closed by challenging each of us to chart a path from here we are to become a Great Christian.

I hope these nightly blogs are blessing and challenging you! More tomorrow.

In His Grip,


Monday, February 4, 2008

Be Still

Hello from Founders week at Moody Bible Institute! What a powerful opening to this week long conference. As the pipe organ began to play, students from 40 nations carried their national flags into the church and the congregation began to sing "All Hail The Power of Jesus Name".

It was very moving and we were thrilled to be a part of it. The pictures aren't great but can give you a flavor of what we witnessed.

The message by Dr. Michael Easley, President of MBI, focused (as will the entire conference) on Psalm 46. We were challenged to understand some key points that I thought I'd briefly share with you.

Verses 1-3 remind us that God is our refuge. As a culture we are afraid of everything. He is not just our shelter but also our strength. Even if the earth should change, oceans rush in, or mountains move, our God who is sovereign will never change. So what are you afraid of right now?

Verses 4-7 tell us that He is our defense when attacks occur. History has shown that entire nations have risen up against God but all He had to do was speak and they were defeated. What is coming against you?

Verses 8-11 speak of the fact that God will be exalted. There are times when the worries, fears and doubts will come upon you - you will cry out to Him and He may not save you as you would like - but God is sovereign and in the end, no matter how it washes out - He will be exalted!

He made mention of the fact that He has a dog that obey him better than he obeys God! That stung when we heard it - can you relate?

I hope this challenges your thinking - I hope to have more insight tomorrow. In the meanwhile I plan on "Being still and knowing that He is God". That's how I can remain...

In His Grip,


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thanks From Chicago!

Cindy and I are so blessed to be part of The Grove Family!

We have struggled with ways to thank you all for your kindness in the check given to us at Christmas. We wanted you to know that it provided us with the means to attend this awesome Bible conference at Moody. We went to Detroit Friday evening to pick up Cindy's sister (the one who had cared for Cindy's ailing mom) and then rode the train into Chicago where Amy and Jason picked us up.

The Founders Week conference worked out a deal with Hotel Indigo for special rates and your check covered our stay! It's beyond our imagination, quite nice. We thought we'd send you a picture which really doesn't do it justice. Wish you could all be here with us to hear the many dynamic preachers and musicians.

We will miss not worshipping with you tomorrow, I guess we'll have to settle for Bill Hybels at the downtown Chicago annex to Willow Creek. Let me brief tonight and leave you with this from both of us from Ephesians 1:16-17:

I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."

In His Grip (and in a giant deck chair)

Jeff and Cindy

Monday, January 28, 2008


I've been watching the president's state of the union address. While talking about trade agreements he made mention of the "purveyors of false populism in our hemisphere." What in the world did that mean?

I'm not totally ignorant, even though I am an ignoramus, but that phrase baffled me. I know I could look up each of the words, put them together and make some sense out of his statement. But gaining the understanding of that phrase isn't what I wanted to write about.

It got me thinking just how we as Christians have the tendency of using words and phrases that the unchurched probably say, "what in the world did that mean?" While teaching Grove 101 this weekend I was aware of the many things we talk about and take for granted that everyone else talks the same way. I hope to get more real in the future and not assume anybody knows all the Christianese that I have picked up over the years.

I would challenge you to also look at your conversations with seekers (assuming you are having them) and make sure you are not talking over their heads.

I just finished placing the order for our invitations for our Big Day" on February 10th and I think they are slick. I think they are attractive enough that you will want to send a bunch out to family and friends. I hope you're compiling a list of those you want to invite - this could be the biggest Sunday in our young history.

I also hope you are excited to hear Dave Wible this Sunday share about Voice of the Martyrs. You can prepare yourself by looking at their website at

Please pray for Cindy and I as we go to Founders Week at Moody Bible Institute Friday night. We are looking forward to a few days away and sitting under the teaching of some great speakers.

Finally, if anyone knows what "purveyors of false populism in our hemisphere" means - keep it to yourself - it's over my head!

In His Grip,


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Are You Under Attack?

Reading an article in a magazine I subscribe to and the author is really challenging me.

He is talking about people who are Christians but really not seeking to live a righteous lifestyle. He says you can tell by the fact that they have no opposition in their life. He maintains that a true sign of pursuing Christ with your whole heart is that you will experience attacks from Satan. If you aren't pursuing God then there's no reason for him to come after you - he's already got influence over you.

So I'm thinking - am I under attack? Enough attack to be a sign that I'm really headlong seeking after God? A few years back I sang a song in a group I belonged to called The Common Bond that was called "Evidence". Our kids were little and they used to think we were singing about M & M's - but I digress. The song said something like, Evidence, evidence, does your life show enough evidence. Evidence, evidence, what does your life say? Then the verse goes "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? If they put you in front of a panel of judges, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

It was a fun song - with some pretty serious lyrics. How about you - any evidence lately?

This Sunday I'll be ending our series on Work Matters with a message entitled, "How Do I Leave A Legacy". Hope you can join us!

In His Grip, (I hope tightly too)


Friday, January 11, 2008

It's In The Dash

Sitting in Seekers having a decaf and thinking about the events of the last week.

It's been several years since the passing of my parents and quite honestly I never thought Cindy's mom would die. She's always been so healthy (92 years old) and up til just a few short months ago was pretty with it.

But suddenly we get the call that she's having trouble breathing, the doctor's been called for an assessment. Within an hour the news is that she's fading quickly and it might be a couple hours or couple of days. We pile in the car and make last minute arrangements for the puppies and we're off to Detroit. One hour on the road and Cindy's sister calls and tells us she's gone.

Immediately I am recalling our first meeting - flashing through many birthdays and Christmas'- awesome dinners - and then I'm brought to tears when I think of how much joy it gave her to make me my sour cream frosted chocolate cake.

A more unselfish woman I'll never meet (unless of course you know my wife Cindy).

We get to mom's house and wait for Cindy's sisters to return from lunch with all of mom's stuff from the nursing home. More tears and a lot of stories. The rest of New Years Eve is a blur - we're exhausted and retire by 10pm.

Back to Cleveland after shoveling the wet snow out of the drive, finish my sermon, my funeral message, pack and thank the Ricci's for going above and beyond by taking our terrors, I mean terriers, back to their house for a few days.

Jenny makes the long trek with a 6 month old from Tennessee, Jason and Amy come to Cleveland from Chicago, drop their dogs with Carol and then ride back to Detroit with us. A lot of talking about mom, and more tears. Cindy knits patiently as mile after mile passes and I see where she got such a gift - that was one of Wyvonna's passions.

The whole family is now back at moms for a pizza party - the pictures come out and we pick enough for a slide show. Jason puts it together for the funeral. I uploaded the movie we made for mom at the following link.

Viewing hours are short on Friday, just 3 hours - other than my family, an old friend, 90 year old May comes to pay respects.

The funeral is Saturday - we call Gene (Cindy's brother) in San Diego on the speaker phone (he was too sick to travel) and he shares some beautiful thoughts about mom. So do the rest of the children and grand kids. Then we're off to the cemetery, my brothers blessed me by singing with me "This World Is Not My Home" and we say our final goodbyes.

Next thing you know we re dashing back to Cleveland. And that's my key point I want to make. It's not about the day we are born or the day we die - it's in the dash. How are you doing during your dash? Leaving a legacy? What kind?

On Sunday, January 27th I'll be speaking about this thing called a legacy - I hope you'll do some thinking about it and come prepared to hear what God puts on my heart.

Finally, your calls, cards, and beautiful flowers have all added to the healing. I hope you enjoy the movie. Wish you could have met her.